
PC: Bret N. Mossman
Video Resources:
Vanishing Voices: The 30 minute documentary about Birds, Not Mosquitoes which describes the plight of the honeycreepers and the hope IIT brings to conservation.
Heart of Maui : This short National Park Service documentary film follows two biologists working to save rare and endemic forest birds in Haleakalā National Park.
How Wolbachia Can Save Forest Birds
What can we do to combat avian malaria transmitted by Culex mosquitos? How do Kauaʻi Forest Bird Recovery Project researchers find mosquito larvae in the vast Alakaʻi? Watch this video to find out!

O Ka Lele A Nei ʻĀuna with Kiʻi Manu Playlist
This Birds, Not Mosquitoes YouTube playlist showcases videos from "Birdtober". Listen to the mele with accompanying kiʻi of our manu and their kiaʻi. Make sure to click through all the videos in the playlist!
YouTube Short
Oh what a beautiful place we live...learn more about the invasive mosquitoes harming our native species. Kauaʻi Forest Bird Recovery Project shares an animated video made by Kauaʻi Dev (Insta @kauai.dev) describing the avian malaria crisis.
Educational Resources

Ka Makahiki o Nā Manu Nahele
2024 was declared Ka Makahiki o Nā Manu Nahele or the Year of the Forest Birds. A whole host of interactive and educational resources were produced to celebrate our forest birds.
My Hawaiian Honeycreeper Project
The Kamehameha Schools My Hawaiian Honeycreeper Project, available at waihona.net, works on the Genially interactive platform and in Google Classroom. For help using this resource or general curriculum development, contact Heidi Waiama (hewaiama@ksbe.edu)
'Imi Pono No Ka 'Āina
Educational Resources on native species and watersheds, organized by activity type and searchable by keywords.
Pilina: Birds and Humans in Hawai'i
This is a series of stories created by Noah Gomes to highlight some of the pilina, and the relationships between our people and our native birds. There is nowhere else on Earth like Hawaiʻi and no people on Earth like the Native Hawaiians. We have developed a distinct relationship with this land, of which our native birds are just a single aspect.
Ailee Uyechi Grade 5 Mānoa Elementary School
Recorded Presentations
Kauaʻi Mosquito Surveys
Birds, Not Mosquitoes presents to the Hawaiʻi Invasive Species Council about how mosquito surveys on Kauaʻi will inform the strategy to save Hawaiʻi's forest birds. Watch to learn more about the multi-agency work to save Hawaiian forest birds.
Releasing [more] Invasive Species? Busting the myths of mosquito control, birds, and avian malaria. Luka Zavas, from Birds, Not Mosquitos, and Allison Cabrera, from the Kaua'i Forest Bird Recovery Project, set the record straight about the tools being considered to suppress mosquitoes and save our endangered honeycreepers.
Hanauma Bay Education Program, Hanauma Talks
With climate change and increasing temperatures, mosquitoes that transmit avian malaria are moving into the last refugia for Hawaiʻi’s native forest birds. A safe, effective technique being used to reduce mosquito-borne human diseases can also work for conservation. Learn more about our native honeycreepers, the urgent need for action, and an innovative project to help save these iconic forest dwellers.